Equine embryo transfer


1.      The first 9 days in the life of an equine embryo from fertilization of the oocyte to a hatched blastocyst 45 minutes

2.      Principles of flushing a donor mare 20 min

3.      Handling of the flushed embryo 15 min

4.      Grading of equine embryos 20 min

5.      Cryopreservation of an embryo slow freezing vs vitrifying 40 Min

6.      Preparing the embryo for transfer: loading , thawing differences between handling in slow frozen embryos, vitrified embryos and Icsi embryos 20 Min

7.      Principles of transferring an Embryos 20 Min

8.      Is the Whilsher technique preferrable? 30 MIn

9.      Monitoring the recipient after transfer, twins, triplets… 20 MIn

10.   Shipping embryos15 Min

11.   Troubleshooting 20 Min

12.   Management of the donor mare 30 Min

13.   Management and selection of the recipient mare (US examination including doppler sonographie) 20 MIn

14.   Is the stallions responsible as well?15 Min

15.   The influence of the recipient to the foal 15 Min

16.   Delayed embryonic development 15 Min

17.   Ho to improve transfer success with special regard to frozen embryos 20 Min

18.   ET in lactating mares 10 Min

19.   Communication of the oocyte and conceptus during the first day of fertilization (EVs) 20 Min

20.   Preimplantation diagnostics, Embryo sexing etc. 15 Min


Practical vetabs

1.      Material and methods used in ET

2.      Case discussions on uterine infections of the donor and recipients, use the horses or not

3.      Embryo searching, washing, loading etc. (we will use ufos from bovine flushes)

4.      Freezing, vitrification, thawing

5.      Flushing mares (maybe we can find Horse owners ?)

6.      Transfering embryos (Horses of owners ? )

7.      Practical  embryo evaluation

8.      TBD

9.      TBD

Venue Information - Hotel Gut Breitenburg


Equine embryo transfer

Event Information
Event Date 16-10-2025 13:00
Event End Date 18-10-2025 17:00
Cancel Before Date 16-10-2025 13:00
Capacity 30
Registered 5
Available Place 25
Original Price 1,950.00€
Discounted Price 1,755.00€ (Until Date 31-05-2025 23:59 )
ATF credits applied for
Location Hotel Gut Breitenburg
Categories Equine

Location Map



Steindorf 38, 8862 Stadl an der Mur, AUSTRIA
+49 91 42 27 49 999