Image Event Event Date Event End Date Location Individual Price Capacity Registered Available Place Register
Stallion reproduction and semen handling Stallion reproduction and semen handling 23-02-2025 14:00 25-02-2025 17:00 Theaterhotel Almelo 1,701.00€ 30 17 13
Introduction into bovine ultrasonography Introduction into bovine ultrasonography 08-05-2025 08:30 09-05-2025 18:00 490.00€ 30 0 30
Einführung in die Echocardiologie Kleintier mit Fallbeispielen Einführung in die Echocardiologie Kleintier mit Fallbeispielen 23-05-2025 08:30 24-05-2025 17:00 Vetklinikum Wien 1,390.00€ 21 2 19
Shoulder and proxmial part of the forelimb Shoulder and proxmial part of the forelimb 19-06-2025 08:30 20-06-2025 17:00 Pferdepraxis Dr. Ötschmeier 1,290.00€ 22 10 12
Equine embryo transfer Equine embryo transfer 16-10-2025 13:00 18-10-2025 17:00 Hotel Gut Breitenburg 1,755.00€ 30 5 25
HWS Becken Pferd HWS Becken Pferd 31-10-2025 08:00 01-11-2025 17:00 1,190.00€ 20 0 20
1st African Buiatrics Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1st African Buiatrics Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 13-11-2025 08:30 16-11-2025 18:00 Adis Ababa Unlimited 0 Registration will be started on 31-05-2025
Paturation emergencies and neonatology Paturation emergencies and neonatology To Be Confirmed TBA Unlimited 1
Bestandsbetreuung von Mutterkuhherden Bestandsbetreuung von Mutterkuhherden To Be Confirmed TBA Unlimited 0
Advanced reproductive technoilogies in large ruminants Advanced reproductive technoilogies in large ruminants To Be Confirmed TBA Unlimited 0


Steindorf 38, 8862 Stadl an der Mur, AUSTRIA
+49 91 42 27 49 999